Hello again,

I've tried just about everything.

I tried building from scratch again and unziping the Pootle files on the
'translations' folder before the build. That didn't work.
I tried make clean && make and that didn't work either.
I tried 'make translations' and it build one POT file but didn't make any
So far it only looks like my first build back when I was at 15% (on pootle).

I am getting two errors but I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the

I don't know what it could be.

*File tested,Execution Time
assertion failed- Expected: 56374- Actual  : 74306File tested,Execution
assertion failed- Expected: �- Actual  : File tested,Execution Time

*ooxmlimport.cxx:2213:AssertionTest name:
testMsoBrightnessContrast::Importequality assertion failed- Expected:
56374- Actual  : 74306ooxmlimport.cxx:1989:AssertionTest name:
testPictureWithSchemeColor::Importequality assertion failed- Expected: �-
Actual  : Failures !!!Run: 173   Failure total: 2   Failures: 2   Errors: 0*

*Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:export
DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE            # for exception catchingexport
CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args"    # for interactive debugging on Linuxexport
VALGRIND=memcheck            # for memory checkingand retry using: make
recipe for target '/home/test/core/workdir/CppunitTest/sw_ooxmlimport.test'
failedmake[1]: ***
[/home/test/core/workdir/CppunitTest/sw_ooxmlimport.test] Error
1Makefile:243: recipe for target 'build' failedmake: *** [build] Error 2*

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 7:50 AM, Andras Timar <tima...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 11:06 AM, Giovanni Caligaris
> <giovannicaliga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Sorry for the amateur questions, i'm not really a developer.
> >
> > I just went back and ran
> >
> > cd core
> > ./autogen.sh with-lang=gug
> > make
> > (files already on translations folder)
> >
> > But it didn't seem to do the trick.
> >
> > I was wondering if you could guide me how to do it.
> >
> Maybe dependencies are not set correctly, I don't know... I've never
> built LibreOffice like this myself. When you ran make, did you see
> your language dependent targets (RES, XCU, UI, etc.) rebuilt? If it's
> a dependency problem, then you can always 'make clean' things, and
> then make again. Maybe it's an overkill to issue a toplevel make
> clean, and rebuild everything from scratch. For example, if you want
> to rebuild sw onyl, then 'make sw.clean && make sw' will do the trick.
> Best regards,
> Andras

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