2015-02-26 12:02 GMT+01:00 Andras Timar <tima...@gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 11:55 AM, Martin Srebotnjak <mi...@filmsi.net> wrote:
>> Hi Sophie,
>> but it was promised for the 4.4.x series, AFAICR.
> Quotation needed.

When I have time I will go through my mailbox if I can find it. There
it was, just a few weeks or a month before the release. I do not know
whether it was on l10n or some other list.

>> I think this shows that localizers should never again trust LO
>> developers when they promise something will be made localizable
>> immediately after release, as this immediate future is now a 6 months
>> period - I think we should from now on ask directly for totally
>> localizable features - otherwise they should be blocked/postponed and
>> not rushed into releases.
> It would help, if you listed what exactly needs localization in your
> opinion. AFAIK new Impress templates does not contain text. Are you
> referring to the business letters, business card and English CV
> templates? I'm not sure, if they fall into same category as UI.

They are not UI? OK, so noone has any problems that I develop a
template in Slovenian and get it bundled with all LO builds? I guess
people from the US or Africa will enjoy a template in a Slavic
language that they do not speak? I am sure they will be ecstatic.

As long as people interface with something in a software - and one
does interface with a Writer template in LO - then it is UI, whether
it is currently labeled as such or not.

Lp, m.

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