Hi :)
I'm not sure about the idea of the panel of experienced localisers.
That just seems like even more work for those localisers and i think
Sophie is aiming to reduce everyone's work-load through this thread.

Sophie seems to be aiming to solve this whole problem "once and for
all" so that it either doesn't happen every again or that it happens
MUCH less.  Personally i have been cheering quite a few of the emails
in that thread because it all looks extremely positive to me.  I know
it might be a bit of a struggle but i get a strong feeling that
something good is going to come out of all this.  Hopefully without
every issue needing tons of discussion.

Btw many thanks to everyone who helped Sophie build-up the excellent
points she was able to express so superbly and succinctly at the
beginning of the whole thread.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 27 January 2015 at 15:09, Michael Bauer <f...@akerbeltz.org> wrote:
> PS the current setup is not foolproof either as we sometimes get really bad
> strings, linguistically bad that is.
> If this is such a concern, then why don't we set up a panel of experiences
> localizers who are willing to help developers judge if a change is semantic
> or cosmetic before we land them on l10n in general?
> Michael
> Sgrìobh Jan Holesovsky na leanas 27/01/2015 aig 14:16:
>> be deciding if a change should be applied in the sources (ie. it is a
>> change needed for all languages) and what is just making the original
>> more consistent?  And again - what to do if the person mis-judges?
> --
> *Akerbeltz <http://www.faclair.com/>*
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