Le 22/12/2014 16:47, Thomas Hackert a écrit :
> Hello Cor, *,
> On Mo, 22. Dezember 2014 16:09 Cor Nouws wrote:
>> Thomas Hackert wrote on 22-12-14 15:57:
>>> <quote>
>>> By pressing the Down arrow button on the right of a style name,
>>> you show pop-up menu that allows to update style from selection
>>> or to edit style.
>>> </quote>
>> You reach this arrow button from the style names in the Style
>> dropdown in the Formatting tool bar.
> but should the text above not extended to "By pressing the Down 
> arrow button on the right of the style name in the Formatting 
> toolbar, a pop-up menu opens, that allows you to update styles from 
> your selection or to edit this style." (or something like that?)

This is the help part for the Apply style area so I don't think that
more information is needed, it will appear in the context of the
Formatting toolbar > Apply Style paragraph of the help.


Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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The Document Foundation

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