Hi Shankar, *,

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 10:15 AM, shankar prasad <prasad....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Few members from the Kannada (kn) community are working offline and sending
> the files to me (coordinator) for the review. But, when I upload those
> reviewed files, via pootle, they will be considered as my contributions,
> though I have done the review and correction.
> Is there any way to the give the credits which they really deserve?

doesn't have any count of contributions, no weight of how much a
member changes - so if there are only a few contributors, I suggest to
just have them create an account and have them submit a change via
pootle, then they'll get listed there..

It's kind of a workaround, but maybe works for you. In addition
there's the page Sophie mentioned.


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