Hi Sveinn,
Le 09/12/2014 15:38, Sveinn í Felli a écrit :
> Þann þri  9.des 2014 14:28, skrifaði Sophie:
>> Hi Sveinn,
>> Le 09/12/2014 15:03, Sveinn í Felli a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> Anyone is sure about handling these lines ?:
>>> msgctxt "BitPay:CheckoutLocale"
>>> msgid "en_US"
>>> msgstr ""
>>> I guess this is supposed to be translated to my locale (is_IS); I can
>>> see that the Germans put de_DE but Sophie an her french team put en_US
>>> here.
>>> --------
> -------------
>> Either you chose a default amount in EUR (5, 10, ...) or you chose the
>> currency and the amount.
>> Cheers
>> Sophie
> But why do you keep "en_US" as a CheckoutLocale in the French translation ?

Because I didn't see the difference on the FR site, but I may be wrong :)

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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