Bonsoir Sophie,

2014-12-01 14:57 GMT+01:00 Sophie <>:

> Hi all,
> Opening a new thread on the changes on the en_US version, I propose to
> follow-up on the project@ list so we could associate the developers and
> design teams and discuss together how to handle that in our workflow.
> Some changes are necessary and the en_US version has to be maintained
> too but that shouldn't have an impact or at least, as limited as
> possible on the l10n work.

For some reason I don't completely catch what you are saying, but I guess
it is something along the lines that we should have a specific discussion
forum for the en_US (American English, the "original" text) version? Or
maybe a discussion about whether we should have a separate discussion forum?

I do believe discussing the English strings are somewhat related to the
translation of them, so maybe because of that I fail to see a very sharp
division between them and the localization. The English strings are, in
principle, also a type of localization, I would say. They just have a much
higher authority, as they become the authoritative source for the rest of
the localizations.

> I'm not sure it's the good moment to open the discussion now because we
> are all catching dead lines,

Yeah, and maybe what I wrote above is in some way also part of that
discussion that we probably should not take now? If so, you don't have to
respond to my comment now.

> but I propose to do it

Does "do it" mean start the discussion, or are you referring to something

> on week 2 next year,
> after the hard code freeze for 4.4.0.

Is it ok for you all?

Fine with me. :-)

> if yes, I'll open a ticket on Redmine.
Très bien, Sophie!

> Cheers
> Sophie


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