2014-11-30 11:49 GMT+01:00 Olivier Hallot <olivier.hal...@libreoffice.org>:

> Hi Felow translators and devs
> Sorry for the sarcastic %Subject.

Haha, I found it very funny!

And I would call it irony, not sarcasm. There is a big difference.

Oxford Dictionaries define sarcasm as "The use of irony to mock or convey
contempt" [1] or, according to Wikipedia, "a sharp, bitter, or cutting
expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt." [2]

[1]: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/sarcasm
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm

And I do not find any mocking, contempt, sharpness, bitterness, cutting,
bitter gibing or bitter taunting in your subject. It is just simple irony
for humour's sake. :-) I love that and use it a lot myself.

I am told that we Danes even use it so much that some foreigners get
confused because they believe we are serious. So I do try not to use it
unless I am absolutely sure that the receiver gets it. :-)

> Actually I call translators and devs to get rid of the single ellipsis
> label in buttons all over the UI.
> Having a sigle ellipsis in a button label almost hides the button, and
> for many users, the action behind the button is not understood or just
> not seen.
> I opened a bug entry for that
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=86871
> Of course translators are free to change the ellipsis into a better choice.

I like that you spotted this. Thanks for bringing it up, and thanks for
opening a bug entry about it!

Personally, I do not have a better suggestion right now, but I agree that
it is not optimal the way it is.


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