Hi Olivier, *,

On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 10:16 PM, Olivier Hallot
<olivier.hal...@libreoffice.org> wrote:
> On 30/11/2014 18:52, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
>> 2014.11.30 19:13, Olivier Hallot wrote:
> painless migration was my hope when I raised the issue, but saddly it
> didn't show up in time. Such Changes In Capital Letters And Semicolons
> Are Suitebale in EN But Does Not Affect Other Languages Where This Rule
> Does Not Apply.

It's impossible to automatically decide which of those changes are
purely cosmetic and which not. And there likely won't be anyone who
manually goes through all the changes and manually creates mapping
from old to new so that old translations can be pulled in. And with
changes like changing casing and adding colons it is more likely that
the translation will also want to apply the change, so just staying
silent and not flagging the string as changed is not really an option

it's different with one-to-one changes that can easily
(=automatically) be undone to look for the string as it was before the
cosmetic change.

The auto-translations of the help strings with changed help-ID works
that way (although there is quite a bit of manual work involved to
create the mapping). But once you have a mapping "old-helpid" →
"new-helpid", you can easily apply the old translation.

> Nevertheless, it may be time to create a T/LSC Translation/Linguistic
> Steering Commitee to address the issues raised here. LiBO does not have
> a linguistic revision of terms used in the UI.

Not progressing just for the sake of not causing work for anybody is
the wrong approach.
But that doesn't mean the workflow as a whole cannot be improved.
It would for example also be possible to have "master" project in
pootle (instead of just for the release-branches), so that the amount
of changes are incremental, and not all one or two months before a new
major release.
(but that of course means applying a translation to multiple projects,
so not sure whether that really reduces the work and not causing more
work for translators...)


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