Hi Kolbjørn, *,

On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Kolbjørn Stuestøl
<kolbjo...@stuestoel.no> wrote:
> In the Pootle sides "All Languages LibreOffie 4.4 - UI" and " … 4.4 Help"
> the length of the original file (listed in Total) differs for different
> languages.
> In UI most languages are using an original file containing 99.604 words but
> some others contains over 100.000 words and a few a bit lesser.

> I thought all languages should use the same source file as a starting point.

Yes, as *starting* point. But as for example by mistakes (like for
example the post from the Kazakh team today) groups that use offline
translation (i.e. upload files to translations) mess up and add
additional files, or files with old/additional translations.

And it can happen that they undo a "update against templates" run that
way and thus there can be discrepancy in word count.

It is also possible for project-level terminology files that change
the overall wordcount (but those then don't end up in the product)


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