2014-11-11 13:44 GMT+00:00 Christian Lohmaier <lohma...@googlemail.com>:

> Hi Sérgio, *,
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 2:41 PM, Sérgio Marques <smarque...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > After creating project I don´t have any 4.3 projects. 4.1 is removed,
> 4.2 is
> > in pootle but no 4.3.
> >
> > And 4.4 is fully localized,. Something should went wrong during
> migration.
> No, the migration just started for real. The machine was moved
> physically this morning, so couldn't work on it before that.
> The 4.4. is popluated, since that is just the old 4.3 projects that
> were renamed.
Ah. Ok

> I'm currently copying over the contents to the still-empty 4.3
> projects and will trigger a sync/refresh stats.
> 4.4 projects have *not* been updated against latest templates yet, it
> still is based on 4.3 templates. That will follow after creation of
> 4.3 projects is done.
Can we do it ourselves?


> ciao
> Christian

Sérgio Marques

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