Thank you so much Michael for your help! I agree with you: there's no need
to choose and, as you said, it depends.

At first the study only included experiments with some translation students
who have never used these tools. But then I decided to include this survey
because I think that users who usually localise with these tools can more
than others evaluate them. So it's above all to have a more complete view.

Il 05/Nov/2014 23:10 "Michael Bauer" <> ha scritto:

> I've answered your survey but in general, I found it too binary i.e.
> whether I prefer Pootle or Virtaal depends on what the task is. I tried to
> give this info as much as I could but to sum it up for you, too coordinate
> a translation projects with many collaborators, a Pootle server is really
> useful. Like LibreOffice. But if you have a really small team and there
> aren't 100s of po files, Virtaal is more effective.
> Michael
> 05/11/2014 21:57, sgrìobh Valeria Siano:
>> Hi Sophie!
>> Thanks for replying.
>> In particular this survey is just part of a study analysing
>> non-experienced
>> translators' reaction to Pootle and Virtaal. I would like to figure out
>> which tool would be better for a beginner in FOSS projects.
>> On the other hand, the survey aims to collect active users' opinions, so
>> that I can compare two opposite points of view (experienced /
>> non-experienced users).
>> Thanks for your help! =)
>> Valeria
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