I don't understand why there's no localised Welsh (Cymraeg) site at
There appears to be a Welsh website translation at 100%;
In the Welsh LibreOffice programs, the "About Us" window has a "Website"
button which links to the "Page not found" at http://cy.libreoffice.org/.
On 07/03/2014 18:00, Sophie wrote:
Hi Mihovil,
Le 07/03/2014 18:48, Mihovil Stanic a écrit :
Hello all,
New LO website is live now so I have question.
Will we be able to localize it (on libreoffice.org, not those team
libreoffice pages)?
Yes, we will be able to localize the site
Are there any plans for localized websites (like Mozilla has for
Firefox, Thunderbird etc.)?
there is already localized websites, it seems that I don't understand
your question :)
I'll have a look this weekend but Florian has already created the task
on redmine https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/232
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