Hi Rimas, *,

On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 7:42 AM, Rimas Kudelis <r...@akl.lt> wrote:
> 2013.12.29 18:04, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
>> Langauges with errors: mai mk ml mn mni mr my nb ne nl nn nr nso oc om
>> or pa-IN pt-BR ro rw sa-IN sat sd si sid sq ss st sv sw-TZ ta te tg tn
>> tr ts ug uk uz vi xh zh-CN zu
> Is that a mistake, or are there really no languages with errors that
> have codes starting with "l"?

At least with 4.2 branch translations, there are no pocheck-related
errors in lb, lo, lt or lv
There might be some in 4.1 one, but nothing is missing from my report.

Thanks for asking/paying attention :-)


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