Hi Martin, *,

On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Martin Srebotnjak <mi...@filmsi.net> wrote:
> 2013/12/19 Christian Lohmaier <lohmaier+ooofut...@googlemail.com>
>> Yes, it is already in effect, see
>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan/4.2#4.2.0_release
> I do know that wiki page - the plan talks about weeks and does not state a
> precise date nor is it clear if the planned target week has been met.

It has been explained in more detail in the other thread

Short: Deadline always Monday, Action taken on Tuesday, builds for
early-testing on Wednesday, public/on mirrornetwork on Thursday or

> Because of labeling my translations and templates with a date when the
> templates were made I ask you of the precise date you created the templates
> (today or yesterday?). Thanks.

On Tuesday, before doing the libreoffice- tag - at around 14:00

 > My translation system does not treat help separately so I presumed this help
> zip is just the zip of the helpcontent2 folder, but I see the paths are not
> the same (auxiliary.pot should be in "/helpcontent2/source/" and the rest of
> the zip in "/helpcontent2/source/text"). So this means my system can't
> proces the arhive automatically as it is programmed to update translations
> and deliver them in a single zip, I will have to do it manually.

Well - if it really is too much of a burden to copy the files yourself
before running your update-scripts, I can provide a tarball with the
complete pots - but really doing

mkdir -p libo_ui/helpcontent2/source/text
mv libo_help/auxiliary.pot libo_ui/helpcontent2/source/
mv libo_help/* libo_ui/helpcontent2/source/text

Is not too complicated?


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