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Found in scalc/01.po some less than optimal "help":

* <variable id="bedingtetext"><ahelp
hid=".uno:ConditionalFormatDialog">Choose <emph>Conditional
Formatting</emph> to define format styles depending on certain
conditions.</ahelp></variable> If a style was already assigned to a
cell, it remains unchanged. The style entered here is then evaluated.
There are several types of conditional formatting that can be used.

it is not the style that is evaluated, it is the condition.

* You can enter several conditions that query the contents of cell
values or formulas. The conditions are evaluated from the first to the
last. If the condition 1 matches the condition, the defined style will
be used. Otherwise, condition 2 is evaluated, and its defined style is
used. If this style does not match, then the next condition is evaluated
and so on.

"defined style" should be "assigned style"

* If you select <emph>Formula is</emph> as a reference, enter a cell
reference.      If the cell reference is a value other than zero, the
condition matches.

"cell reference with value other than zero": does it means "non-empty"?
(mixing references with values)

* It is desired to plot the position of a value relative to the
thresholds. The set of icons will help to indicate the thresholds and
choose the type of icons. Available icon sets are:

Looks like a problem on a college exam. Poor english at the end of the

* Conditions to display each icon can be specified relative to a value
(Value), a percentage of the number of values in the range (Percentage)
as a percentage of range values (Percentile) or formula (Formula).


- -- 
Olivier Hallot
Founder, Board of Directors Member - The Document Foundation
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LibreOffice translation leader for Brazilian Portuguese
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