Hi Sérgio, *,

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 7:17 PM, Sérgio Marques <smarque...@gmail.com> wrote:
> File: starmath/uiconfig/smath/ui.po
> Context: smathsettings.ui norightspaces label string.text
> Comments: bGjPd
> "Ig_nore _~ and ` at the end of the line"
> It has double underline.  Or is it to ignore these: _ ~ `


The double tilde in the old string ("Ig~nore ~~ and ` at the end of
the line") were just to escape the ~  thus should be "Ig_nore ~ and `
at the end of the line"

Those are spacing characters in math, i.e. ` is small horizontal
space, while ~ is a bigger one.  So when printing the invisible space
they would take should not cause the page to be split when printing.

will fix this in the english code for next update-round.


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