Hi Stanislav, *;

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Stanislav Horáček
<stanislav.hora...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am afraid there is no simple and easy solution. My method is:
> - find the dialog in UI (if you have no clue where, you can open and see it
> in Glade thanks to ui files)

You should definitely have a clue where with the new style dialogs, as
the location is the filename basically.

Filename: cui/uiconfig/ui.po

Context: pageformatpage.ui
labelFormat label string.text

Comment: nAf7V

→ <installldir>/share/config/soffice.cfg/cui/ui/pageformatpage.ui

i.e. take cui/ui from the filename of the po, and the filename of the
actual dialog from the context


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