Le 15/11/2013 02:53, Baurzhan Muftakhidinov a écrit :
I am the main translator of LibreOffice to Kazakh language. I also want to import my work (Kazakh translation) to Apache OO (in the future). Can I just take and upload it there? What about license, I mean I have already contributed my work to LO, and it is under LGPLv3 and MPL now. Is it compatible with Apache OO?
Translators' copyright is a derivative or adaptation right, i.e. although it benefits from copyright under most legal systems, it still depends on the original right, and therefore licence of the original work. What this means is that a translator can not necessarily relicence his/her work in a way that deviates from the licence of the original work.
Additionally, there is the fact that you are only the "main" translator, which implies that others have participated in the work.
Where a work (here the translation) can be deemed to be collective, i.e. the individual elements can not be dissociated from the whole, then the rights holder can effect the licence change on behalf of the contributors. However, the LO project doesn't have a single rights holder, unlike the Apache Foundation, which is why each contributor is asked to release their contribution under an individual licence statement.
What this means for the translation is that each contributor would have to agree to the change in licence if you wanted to submit the whole work to the Apache Foundation. The alternative is to relicence only those parts of the translation for which you were the author, although perhaps a Kazakh translation already partly existed within OOo and this got carried over in the grant to the Apache Foundation, in which case you could merge your own translations into it ? You would have to ask on the AOO lists to find out.
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