Hi :)  
I think it is ok to go ahead with translations.  

Proof-reading so far, is showing the contents and ideas are fine.  It's only a 
case of choosing the best of 2 or 3 very similar words or reorganising a 
sentence to make it flow better (maybe 2 sentences).  None of the changes have 
changed the meanings of sentences.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

On Monday, 14 October 2013, 3:38, elcico2001 एल्चिको <elcico2...@yahoo.it> 
Il 12/10/2013 12:45, Tom Davies ha scritto:
> Hi :)
> Would it be a good idea to ask the Documentation Team to proof-read 
> these sorts of useful pages?
> They are not very confident about wiki-editing yet and might not get 
> around to doing the proof-reading for ages but it might help them 
> understand some of the tools you are familiar with and that might help 
> them understand what they could consider doing with the originals to 
> make it easier.  They are getting more confident with wiki-editing and 
> have seen that when they make a mistake it's seldom fatal! ;)
> There are a couple of native English speakers.  Anne-ology kindly 
> volunteered to join this list to help with all the questions about the 
> small strings that kept appearing on-list a few months ago but just 
> after she joined such questions stopped appearing on-list.
> I had a really speedy skim-read but i tend to find that after Sophie 
> has proof-read something it rarely needs any changes so i might have 
> skimmed through too fast this time.
> Regards from
> Tom :)
Hello Tom!
Did you receive any reply for that? Do you think anybody is going to 
proof-read those pages?
Or can we start translating into italian those pages, just as they are now?
Thank you! Luca :)

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