Tom, Thomas,
From what I can see in the code, Anaphraseus seems to be at least partially self-contained CAT (relying on OO for UI functionality (?)), and so the OmegaT reference in the 'Translation table' annotation looks somewhat bogus.

On the other hand, Anaphraseus definitely knows about OmegaT, and seems to be capable of two-way exchange with OT's TM via TMX format.

the TT looks just like helper with layout for segment-by-segment translation. Something like OmegaT's main screen.

All this gleaned just from looking into the code/jars. I'm not yet *installing* any of these, as I want to keep my already cluttered installation fucntional. :)


On 10/12/2013 03:40 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Does Anaphraseus do the same job?  Is it also
OpenSource?  Would it be better to go with that?
  Does it look like the "Translation Table"
Extension avoids needing a separate 3rd party
tool and just does the whole job inside


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