Hi Rob,

I'm adding the l10n list in copy because they are concerned
Le 08/10/2013 11:16, libreoffice-ertai.nl a écrit :
> Hi Sophie,
> As I understood the offline help is now hard to maintain.

Yes, this is something complicated for developers
 This should
> change that so that the help-wiki will be exported for each release's
> offline help. So It should make changing/translating the help easier.

I don't doubt that the wiki would be easier than filling the help .ott
and using the basic macros that was used in the past, I've used it and
it's really complicated.
What is important for us (l10n team) is the possibility to use Pootle to
maintain our translation, because the wiki is not a translation tool (no
glossary, no TM, no way to track changes, no way to mark incorrect/fuzzy
strings, no way to share the files, no xml checks, etc...) and is
impossible to search currently (we need a i18n wiki for that).
That means also that the wiki edition is restrained to the necessary
changes and enhancements that are needed and only those and that changes
are only made in the en_US sources.
I understand that you are currently only working on the process to
export the wiki, but I think that the l10n team may have some input too.
Again (because already expressed to Kendy), my concerns are not about
the changes in the process, I really understand that, but about to make
sure that the l10n team is made aware of the changes in their work if
any, and that the way they are working currently to localize those
important and huge files is taken into account in the process.

Kind regards
> -- 
> Greetings,
> Rob Snelders
> Sophie schreef op 08-10-2013 09:20:
>> Hi Markus, Rob,
>> Le 08/10/2013 01:52, Markus Mohrhard a écrit :
>>> Hey Rob,
>>> 2013/10/7 Rob Snelders <libreoff...@ertai.nl>
>>>> Hi Markus,
>>>> We have spoken about exporting the help-system from the help-wiki.
>>>> We will
>>>> need a html/javascript framework for that. I don't think a basic
>>>> framework
>>>> will need more time then a month or 2 for me. But I think we will
>>>> also need
>>>> to look at how we export the pages from the wiki because how the
>>>> pages are
>>>> exported is important.
>>>> Can you tell me what plugin for mediawiki you had in mind to do the
>>>> export?
>>> I found DumpHTML at the mediawiki page. I wanted to try this first
>>> before
>>> looking for other scripts.
>>>> Is there a test-wiki to try it on to see what it does, maybe we'll
>>>> need to
>>>> change the plugin to fit our needs.
>>> We will get a VM from the infrastructure team soon. We will test all the
>>> steps there. I'll tell you more as soon as we get the VM and have it
>>> correctly set up with a wikihelp instance.
>> If the l10n team is impacted by your project, please tell me, as this is
>> their (huge) work, I would like to keep them in the loop.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Kind regards
>> Sophie

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