Hi Ákos,

First, check the hyphenation settings in the paragraph style (Text
Flow->Hyphenation->Automatically). Move "UTF-8" into the first line of
the pattern file, convert the patterns by substrings.pl (it is better
to remove the comments during the conversion), check the registration
of the Romanian hyphenation patterns in

More information:

Best regards,

2013/10/2 Nagy Ákos <nagy.a...@libreoffice.ro>:
> Hi,
> in LibreOffice don't work the hyphenation for romanian language. I verify
> the dictionary, and it seem that is installed correctly, and probably the
> rules is correct too.
> This is the dictionary file
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55468772/lo/hyph_ro_RO.dic
> Can you help me in how I start the debugging, and how can I find the
> problem?
> --
> Ákos
> --
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