They are diacritic marks that mark tone in tonal languages, so there's
"squiggles" that go above or beside another letter to indicate if it's a
high rising tone, a low rising tone, a mid level tone, and so on.
There's a better pdf here which actually displays them
So saying it in long it would be "Linguistic symbols for marking tone in
tone languages that modify another letter (usually a vowel)"
13/07/2013 12:21, sgrìobh Tom Davies:
The wikipedia page about "Modifier Tone Letters" says
"Modifier Tone Letters is a Unicode block containing tone markings for Chinese,
Chinantec, Africanist, and other phonetic transcriptions. It does not contain the
standard IPA tone marks, which are found in Spacing Modifier Letters."
but i still don't understand what it means. More to the point i don't see how
to cut it down to just a couple of words that do make sense.
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