Hi David,

On Wednesday, 2013-07-10 09:14:23 +0000, David Delma wrote:

> When I go to tools/options/linguistic parameters/languages I can
> find a list of currency to choose as default. Unfortunately I can't
> find my currency the CFA franc which ISO 4217 code is XOF. It is
> used in 9 west African countries. How can it be added to the list?

That list is generated from the <Currency> elements in the available
locale data files. Currently the only way to extend the list is to add
a locale data file for a locale (language_country) in which that
currency is used. See

> The XAF is in the list but this is different from the XOF used in
> Ivory cost, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Niger, Mali and
> Guinea-Bissau members of the West African Economy and Monetary Union
> (UEMOA).

I suggest you submit a locale data file for the most used locale (or the
locale you're most interested in, probably Mòoré in Burkina Faso, so
'mos-BF' ;-)


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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