
there exists a web-based tool for display of translated glade dialogs:
gnome dialogs: http://deckard.malizor.org/

It would be really great to have something like that for LO - it would simplify our work and simultaneously improve the quality of translations.

On the launchpad page, it says: "In the long run, it would be cool to have distinct instances for distinct projects like Xfce or LibreOffice."

As I understand it, the runner takes translation from a po file in a repository, converts it and displays the dialog. So, to see the result, it is necessary to upload po file to the repository.

Can we talk to Deckard developers regarding that?


Milos Sramek
Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology,
Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3, 1030 Vienna, Austria
TEL: +43 1 79044 9810 EMAIL: milos.sra...@oeaw.ac.at

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