On 14/01/2013 18:07, Andras Timar wrote:
> Hi Sophie,
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Sophie Gautier
> <gautier.sop...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Andras,
>> On 14/01/2013 17:32, Andras Timar wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> There are a few new strings in "frozen" LibreOffice 4.0 due to late
>>> features and bugfixes (in modules 'formula' and 'sc'). I updated
>>> Pootle.
>> I may be the only one, but could you send a short notice before you
>> update Pootle, because I work offline and I have to review any change
>> once you have updated the template. It's not very important, strings are
>> only set as fuzzy, but I will be able to upload my files before you
>> update them.
>> Thanks for your work anyway :)
> Yes, it makes sense. This should be the workflow:
> 1. I update Templates in Pootle.
> 2. I announce the update here, people can immediately update their
> languages in Pootle by clicking the "Update against templates" link,
> if they want.
> 3. I update against templates for all languages a day later.

Thanks a lot :-)

Kind regards
Sophie Gautier <sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org>
Membership & Certification Committee Member - Co-founder
The Document Foundation

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