Στις 05/12/2012 08:07 μμ, ο/η Andras Timar έγραψε:
On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 7:02 PM, Sérgio Marques <smarque...@gmail.com> wrote:

2012/12/5 Andras Timar <tima...@gmail.com>

There are 3 known false positives,
that you should ignore (<empty> in Calc help, and <ref> and
<reference> in MediaWiki extension help). Still, it is much better
than "XML tags" check, which has hundreds of false positives in every
language. I would like to introduce more useful checks in the future.

Hi Andras, Could You tell me whats the problem with this string:

<link href="text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html" name="HTML">HTML</link> pages
contain certain structural and formatting instructions called tags. Tags are
code words enclosed by brackets in the document description language HTML.
Many tags contain text or hyperlink references between the opening and
closing brackets. For example, titles are marked by the tags <h1> at the
beginning and </h1> at the end of the title. Some tags only appear on their
own such as <br> for a line break or <img ...> to link a graphic.

As páginas <link href="text/shared/00/00000002.xhp#html"
name="HTML">HTML</link> contêm determinadas instruções estruturais e de
formatação designadas por controlos. Os controlos são palavras de código,
delimitadas por parênteses, na linguagem de descrição de documentos HTML.
Muitos controlos contêm referências a hiperligações e texto entre o
parêntese de abertura e o parêntese de fecho. Por exemplo, os títulos estão
assinalados pelos controlos <h1> no início e </h1> no fim do título. Alguns
controlos aparecem isolados, tais como <br> para uma quebra de linha, ou
<img ...> para ligar a um objeto gráfico.

Nothing is wrong with this. One more false positive. You can remove
the flag by clicking on it at the "Failing checks:" area, and you are

Best regards,

In UI I can see the following critical errors:
1) For invalid XML
Note: The transformation uses the new style of footnotes with <ref> and <references> tags that requires the Cite.php extension to be installed into MediaWiki. If those tags occur as plain text in the transformation result, ask the Wiki administrator to install this extension. Σημείωση: Η μεταμόρφωση χρησιμοποιεί τη νέα τεχνοτροπία υποσημειώσεων με ετικέτες <ref> και <references> που απαιτούν την επέκταση Cite.php για να εγκατασταθούν στο MediaWiki. Εάν αυτές οι ετικέτες εμφανίζονται ως απλό κείμενο στο αποτέλεσμα του μετασχηματισμού, ζητήστε από τον διαχειριστή να εγκαταστήσει την επέκταση.
Is included the <references> to be ignored?
2)In placeholders
Action [Time]: [1]. [2] - Ενέργεια [Χρόνος]: [1]. [2]
[None] - [Κανένα]     [User] - [Χρήστης]
Are they wrong?

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