Same goes for the Hungarian string in the Hungarian LightProof:
Magyar nyelvi eszkozok

Shouldn't these strings be English? And localized into
Danish/Hungarian in the Danish/Hungarian version?

Thanks, m.

2012/11/30 Martin Srebotnjak <>:
> I found this string twice in the help for Danish LightProof extension,
> would like to know what it means, so I can translate this into
> Slovenian:
> Danske sprogvaerktojer
> Thanks, m.
> 2012/11/19 Andras Timar <>:
>> Hi,
>> Finally Pootle finished its tremendous amount of work, and updated po
>> files. Site is available for translators.
>> We have two LibreOffice branches, and there is no automatic migration
>> between the two. 3.6 is the stable branch in string freeze. You can
>> fix translation bugs there. 4.0 is still under heavy development. I'll
>> update templates and update translations from templates regularly.
>> One important thing: po file format has changed. Please do not mix 3.6
>> files with 4.0 files. In 4.0 there is more information, because we
>> merge strings to source files directly from po files. Those extra
>> information used to be in en-US.sdf file. In 4.0 we skip generating
>> sdf files (and save build time, make tool maintenance easier etc.). I
>> migrated 3.6 files to the new 4.0 format for you. If you have
>> questions, problems, let me know.
>> If you had 100% in 3.6, now you have ~6000 words to deal with in help,
>> and 4300 in UI. UI has a new module now, librelogo, which contains
>> 2600 words on its own. Only work on it, when you have everything else
>> ready. Chances are that it will not be part of LibreOffice 4.0,
>> although I like it very much. :) Its author soon will write some
>> translation instructions to this list. (Of course your translations
>> will be used in the standalone LibreOffice extension, if it will not
>> be bundled.)
>> Many thanks,
>> Andras
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