
After the update failure this morning, Pootle is back again. FYI, here
is what I did.

1. I saved those languages that you worked on yesterday and were not
corrupted by the update. These are the following:
UI: es, nl, uk, pt, pt-BR, ca, kl, cs
Help: de, pt, pt-BR
2. I restored the Pootle database from Nov 28 5 AM
3. I restored the saved languages mentioned in step 1.

So we are at the same point more or less that we were yesterday.
Arabic and Amharic UI translations from Nov 28 have been lost. You are
in Nov 27 state. I'm terribly sorry. I hope you have backups or you
did not work that much yesterday.

I will try to update from templates soon, but of course more
carefully. Do not press Update from templates link in Pootle. It is
still broken.

The bug in question is here: http://bugs.locamotion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2587
Have you heard that LibreOffice is breaking any toolchain you come up with? :-)

Best regards,

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