Hello Andras,

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 3:22 AM, Andras Timar <tima...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Please test this new server during the next few days and report problems
> here. We wouldn't like to make the real switch if any big issues arise.

1. From https://libreoffice.locamotion.org/th/terminology/notices,
clicking tab "Translate" lead to https://translate.html/  This seems
to affect all languages.

2. Using Google Chrome 23 on WinXP, *every* click of translation unit,
such as clicking any word from [1], including the first page load,
result in "Unknown error" appeared at the bottom of the page. This
appeared with both logged-in and non logged-in state.
Using Firefox 16 on WinXP, this problem didn't appear, neither logged-in or not.

3. Please see another thread [2]

[1] https://libreoffice.locamotion.org/th/terminology/translate.html#unit=58699
[2] http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/l10n/msg05071.html

Thanks! :-)

Best Regards,
Korrawit Pruegsanusak

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