Hi all,

sorry for a little off-topic, but It's a i18n /l10n issue and maybe
other languages have the same problem.

Currently, LibreOffice take key names from OS. That is, it can't be
localized at LibreOffice side. I'm talking about "Shift, Control, Alt,
Backspace, Print Scren,..." key names strings.

IMHO it's a bad approach. There are countries using the same keyboard
for several languages. For example:in Spain the same keyboard is used
to type in Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician and Asturian. A LibO
user with Catalan UI spects to get key names in Catalan when is
working in LibreOffice, not in Spanish, French or English.

Also, some OSes (read MS Windows) have the key names hardcoded at
keyboard driver [1], so there is a single string for key is available.
So languages without an own keyboard doesn't have any chance to get
key names translated.

I will open a bug/feature request at bugzilla to make keys names
translatable at LibreOffice side. Whom can I assign it?

Any hint?

Best regards,

Joan Montané

[1] http://blogs.msdn.com/b/michkap/archive/2007/03/26/1950492.aspx

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