Generally speaking, producing the quality translation is as much a function of formal (self-)training and hard work as producing the quality code. Just being "native speaker" (and I'm sort of sadly privileged to know the emptiness of terms such as this) is not enough. Least of all is it a function of being "eager" and (or) "available".


On 07/20/2012 03:54 PM, Michael Bauer wrote:
A suggestion in general, arising from this -
perhaps locale leaders should be under some
common-sense review every 6 months or something,
to see if they're active and if not, see if
someone else is up for taking on the job. It's a
bit of a first-come-first-serve at the moment
(understandably, for new locales) but there
seems to be little in the way structures to deal
with dormant leaders or indeed rogue leaders.
Just had such a problem on VLC.

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