Hi all,

Do we need to change this string?
I don't know why Oracle is refered here but not TDF.


This error report tool gathers information about how %PRODUCTNAME is
working and sends it to Oracle to help improve future versions.\n
It's easy - just send the report without any further effort on your
part by clicking 'Send' in the next dialog, or you can briefly
describe how the error occurred and then click 'Send'. If you want to
see the report, click the 'Show Report' button. No data will be sent
if you click 'Do Not Send'.\n
Customer Privacy\n
The information gathered is limited to data concerning the state of
%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION when the error occurred. Other
information about passwords or document contents is not collected.\n
The information will only be used to improve the quality of
%PRODUCTNAME and will not be shared with third parties.\n
For more information on Oracle's privacy policy, visit\n

Best Regards,
Nguyen Hung Vu [aka: NVH] ( in Vietnamese: Nguyễn Vũ Hưng )
vuhung16plus{remove}@gmail.dot.com , YIM: vuhung16 , Skype:
vuhung16plus, twitter: vuhung, MSN: vuhung16.
Nguyễn Vũ Hưng's blog on Free and Open Source:
Học tiếng Nhật: http://hoc-tiengnhat.blogspot.com/
Vietnamese LibreOffice: http://libo-vi.blogspot.com/
Mozilla & Firefox tiếng Việt: http://mozilla-vi.blogspot.com/

Disclaimer: When posted to social networking groups include, but not
limited Linux Users' Groups, Free and Open Sources forums, mailing
lists, the above is my personal opinion and is *not* the opinion of my
employer(s), associations and/or groups I join.

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