У пет, 13. 07 2012. у 22:48 +0200, Andras Timar пише: > Dear localizers, > > There is one new string in svtools/source/misc.po, please check it in > Pootle. (Update in Pootle is in progress). > > Thanks, > Andras
Hi, Here is the Serbian update. sr: http://goranrakic.com/tmp/libo/2012-07-14_sr_po.tar.gz sh: http://goranrakic.com/tmp/libo/2012-07-14_sh_po.tar.gz Thanks, Goran -- Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to l10n+h...@global.libreoffice.org Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/ Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette List archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/l10n/ All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted