This is a frequently asked question: why not Pootle?
How B-Translator is different from Pootle?
The answer is that Pootle is simply an online PO file
editor. With Pootle you cannot have more than one
translation for the same string, and you cannot get
feedback from people which translation is better.
The focus of B-Translator is not only about translating
but also about getting feedback from people. It is
about crowdsourcing translation/localization:
Someone can claim that Pootle can be used for
crowdsourcing as well, but I think that it was not
built with this in mind, and B-Translator is an
attempt to do it better (or at least differently).
Can the approach taken by B-Translator work?
I believe it can.
Does it replace Pootle and other localization tools?
Not necessarily, it can integrate with them.
Kind regards,
On 07/09/2012 08:46 PM, Sophie Gautier wrote:
Hi Dashamir,
On 09/07/2012 20:06, Dashamir Hoxha wrote:
More detailed info about the project can be found here:
My motivation for trying to make easy its installation
is that I need help from other people for developing and
improving the project. However people cannot work on it
unless they can install and test it.
Thanks for your answer. I was wondering why Pootle is not an option for
you, I've read the readme but don't see what it would bring that Pootle
doesn't offer to you already (but I didn't install the product).
Kind regards
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