Hi all,

In case you missed it, we (well Cor is :) are organizing a bug hunting session on irc on the 6th and 7th of July. I know you are localizer and not QA testers, but, you certainly have a friend or simply users around you who may be interested to learn how to run a simple test, to participate to our wonderful project or simply to share the issues they meet. The language should not be a barrier, simple description in the test, simple words for the feedback, just something like : do that, do that, get that and that. We really need to have a well tested 3.6 version and your communities (even small, you know it's 1+1+1+... effect) may be of great help here.
The announcement is here http://planet.documentfoundation.org/
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any question. Also the more we are, the more we will be able to improve the process and attract more members for the QA (and for l10n QA too :)
Thanks in advance for your help
Kind regards

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