Hello Zeki,

2012/6/19 Zeki Bildirici <z...@ozgurlukicin.com>:
> Well, i think there might be a good feedback option for the QA of the
> original strings. Pootle has a comment box, which we can add a
> "unique" word to the strings which we may think:
> - Outdated,
> - Bad wording
> - Vanished feature etc.
> For exampe a unique word of comment as "tombalak", will work sugh a
> tag, and it will be possible to track this strings and report them.
> What's your opinion?

It would be fantastic, if you helped to find outdated/wrong content in
English help. It would be the best to report in Bugzilla and assign
the bug to me. We should not let LibreOffice help to get unreliable
and outdated. It is main source of information, and it is translated
to many languages.

Best regards,

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