On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Rimas Kudelis <r...@akl.lt> wrote:

> 2012.03.22 13:07, Danishka Navin rašė:
>> Hi Rajesh,
>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 4:32 PM, Sophie Gautier<gautier.sophie@gmail.**
>> com <gautier.sop...@gmail.com>>wrote:
>>  On 22/03/2012 11:52, Rajesh Ranjan wrote:
>>>  Hi Sophie,
>>>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Sophie Gautier<gautier.sophie@gmail.**
>>>> **
>>>> com<gautier.sop...@gmail.com>>**wrote:
>>>>  Hi Rajesh,
>>>>> On 22/03/2012 07:11, Rajesh Ranjan wrote:
>>>>>  Hi
>>>>>> Hindi Libreoffice is Inactive and there are huge works pending there
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> comlete. No update from long time. No communication as well.
>>>>>> I pinged here the coordinator, but I am not getting reply from Sunil.
>>>>>> It
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> responsibilty of the coordinator to move the project and get community
>>>>>> active to work for the same.
>>>>>> http://listarchives.****libreoff**ice.org/global/l10n/**
>>>>>> ****msg04296.html <http://ice.org/global/l10n/****msg04296.html><
>>>>>> http://**libreoffice.org/global/l10n/****msg04296.html<http://libreoffice.org/global/l10n/**msg04296.html>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> <http://**listarchives.**libreoffice.org/**global/l10n/**
>>>>>> msg04296.html<http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/**global/l10n/msg04296.html>
>>>>>> <http://**listarchives.libreoffice.org/**global/l10n/msg04296.html<http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/l10n/msg04296.html>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> Please suggest what should be done in this context.
>>>>>>  Do you have people around you to work on it, or are you willing to
>>>>> do the
>>>>> job?
>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>> Sophie
>>>>>  Thanks.
>>>> In Open Office days, I maintained openoffice Hindi for more than 5 years
>>>> before libreoffice, so I can maintain it.
>>>>  Great :-) so if you ask Andras, he will be able to give you all the
>>> necessary rights to manage the translation files on Pootle.
>> Please update the following pages
>> http://wiki.**documentfoundation.org/HI/**Main_Page<http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/HI/Main_Page>
>> http://wiki.**documentfoundation.org/**Language_Teams<http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Language_Teams>
> Actually, updating the first one is not really necessary. Many of those
> language-specific main pages were created before LibreOffice had a nice
> website, and if your locale only has the Main_Page, and you find it useless
> or a burden to maintain, then perhaps it would make more sense to just
> delete it?

> At least that's what I think about Main_Page in my language, which hasn't
> been updated for a really long time and which is the only Lithuanian page
> in the wiki, AFAIK.

deletion is up to him, and i just put the link as they haven't created
hi.libreoffice.org but Main_Page

> Rimas
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Danishka Navin

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