2012.02.27. 13:12 keltezéssel, Korrawit Pruegsanusak írta:
Hello Jon,
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 18:32, Jon Lachmann<j...@lachmann.nu> wrote:
I am translating LibreOffice into Swedish using Pootle.
I just wonder at what time the latest translated strings were pulled?
I do not see a lot of my newer translations in the new build, it would
be great if they were added to let me evaluate how well they fit in.
Looking at
The last pulled time is *not after* Monday, February 20, 2012, 13:16 GMT, where
Andras Timar committed "update translations for LibreOffice 3.5.1 rc1"
Because IIUC it takes some times between pulling and committing.
I pulled it in the morning Monday, February 20, 2012. The rule is that I
pull 2 days before the expected tagging date. I'm not sure when I will
pull next time, schedule of 3.5.1 is still discussed. I would like to
let you the maximum time to work on translations.
Best regards,
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