Just spotted something else. Gaelic spellchecker has had the follwing
4 Nov 2011 v 2.0
29 Nov 2011 v 2.1
8 Feb 2012 v 2.2
I can't quite remember at which stage we integrated the Gaelic
spellchecker into LO but the latest version I've just installed (LO 3.5)
has regressed me to v 2.0 - not that anything is easy to find in that
list, incidentally, cause I have *all* the spellcheckers >.<
When I tell it to look for an update, it suggests version 2.1 ...
Do I have to manually submit updates to the spellchecker on the
Extension site and for integration into LO or does that take place
automatically and I just missed the cutoff somehow for v2.2 - but then
why is it still offering my to upgrade to 2.1?
Slightly confused :)
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