
2011/6/26 Korrawit Pruegsanusak <detective.conan.1...@gmail.com>:
> Currently there are many help contents that obsolete or inaccurate.
> But wrt the string freeze, we couldn't release the fix of them
> (because they all must happen in master), and user have to wait for
> the next 3.x major release to have them correct, which is every
> too-long six months.
> So, IMO
> - may we freeze only UI string, but not help? (but it's harder to
> manage, though)
> - or update the wikihelp more frequently? (but this doesn't update
> localhelp, which maybe essential for some users)
> - or just leave it as is?
> What is the process for other projects?

Our processes are based on consensus. We can amend our processes, when
a new consensus is reached. I would accept string changes (only from
bugfixes, not from cosmetics, rewording etc.) before RC1, so
translators have the chance to update their translations before RC2.
But let's wait for others' opinions, too.

Best regards,

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