Hi Andras, *,

On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 10:14 PM, Andras Timar <tima...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011.04.22. 23:09 keltezéssel, Aidsoid írta:
>> Please anybody restore from pootle backup only "Extensions for LibO 3.3"
>> folder for Russian language. Needed 22.04.2011 state.
>> Thanks.
> Hi,
> I don't know how easy is to restore a backup and who can do that,

I can provide the mysqldumps of the corresponding dates, but replacing
one single language then has to be done by selectively updating the

> but
> AFAIK your files were simply "double encoded". I converted them back to
> normal, please check if they are sane.

I'd prefer this solution of course :-) That would be less work, and
less likely to break other stuff :-)


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