Hi Andras et al,

Would you copy "LibreOffice 3.4.x – Help" and "LibreOffice 3.4.x – UI"
to 'lo' for Lao directory. I will then try to merge with the old po
files for Lao. If that can't be done, please do provide me guidance.

Lao Team

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 3:55 PM, Andras Timar <tima...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Rimas,
> LibreOffice 3.4 is approaching, we need to deal with localization. The
> big merges from Oracle's source were done a few days ago, so I don't
> expect big changes in translatable strings. We should update the files
> in Pootle.
> I created LibreOffice 3.4 modules in Pootle but it is extremely slow to
> work with the web interface. Maybe it is quicker from shell. Can you
> help me?
> For the time being we should keep LibreOffice 3.3 modules in Pootle,
> because it is possible that LibreOffice 3.3.3 will be released later, so
> we can update the translations there.
> Files from "LibreOffice 3.3.x – Merged Help" and from "LibreOffice 3.3.x
> – Merged UI" should be copied to "LibreOffice 3.4.x – Help" and
> "LibreOffice 3.4.x – UI" respectively, then all languages should be
> updated from templates.
> For the rest of the languages what would be the best workflow? I
> extracted the po files from LibreOffice 3.3.2 source, I can send you
> those files.
> Thanks,
> Andras
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