
2011/2/2 Olav Dahlum <odah...@gmail.com>:
> Which conclusion did Leif come to?

He said that result of migration (as described in my previous mail)
was acceptable.

> I don't quite get what you meant in the last part. Update our translations?
> ..."Submit the URL of your localized UI and/or help."
> This was very fuzzy. What am I supposed to do here? It almost sounds like
> we have to start from scratch, which would be complete madness.

If you have complete OOo translation + complete lo-build-nb.po and you
are happy with the quality of nb LibreOffice 3.3.0, then you don't
have to do anything. Some teams reported they had translation fixes to
OOo 3.3 or later which did not get into LibreOffice. Now they can
submit updated translations. It's not translation from scratch. The
tools - see my previous mail - will leverage ~99% of existing
translation, the rest can be processed in a few hours.


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