I think Olav wrote libreoffice.org as if it was libreoffice. He is talking about the software, not the portal.


On 01-02-2011 11:07, Rimas Kudelis wrote:
2011.02.01 14:30, Olav Dahlum rašė:
A Norwegian translation of the libreoffice.org is needed. As
far as I can see, some of the content can be found in Pootle.
So reusing whatever's already translated saves me time.
libreoffice.no would probably be pointed as an alias to this

What exactly to you mean? The website content is NOT hosted on Pootle at
all, only the application and the add-ons are (also some documentation,
but its localization didn't work as expected).

If you want a no.libreoffice.org website (to which libreoffice.no would
redirect), you should ask for it more clearly :), and be prepared to
fill it yourself. Pootle will hardly help with it.


Olivier Hallot
Founder, Steering Commitee Member - The Document Foundation
Voicing the enterprise
Translation Leader for Brazilian Portuguese

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