
2011/1/25 Jan Holesovsky <ke...@suse.cz>

> Hi,
> On 2011-01-21 at 18:33 +0100, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
> > I have uploaded the wikihelp translations to
> > http://help.libreoffice.org ,  so far for the following languages:
> [...]
> > The logic to show the page in the right language immediately after you
> > issue help is not implemented yet, I hope to get it done on Monday.
> Done now, please test.  I did not upload any additional languages yet,
> unfortunately, so you have to be use one of the languages mentioned in
> the previous mail.

I just tested the final release of LO33 in Slovenian - the links for help
have "en" string and open English help pages. Since you were not successful
in fixing this the Slovenian team cannot approve this release and we will
not encourage LO33 to be downloaded and used by Slovenian users as we do not
see it fit the basic localization standards of the team, performing the

Too bad.

LP, m.

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