Hi again,

2011.01.25 17:16, Rimas Kudelis rašė:
2011.01.24 23:19, Kostas Mousafiris rašė:
Hello there! I am a new list member from Greece.

My username is kosmous.
I would like to start this little adventure of translating the LibreOffice Documentation in my mother tongue! I, therefore, request the permission to access the Pootle collaborative translation files. I already downloaded the .pos file and started the translation process, with the help of a po-translator programme. I will highly appreciate any instructions that you might wish to give me.
Thanks very much.

Hi Kostas,

I've granted you the permissions on Pootle.

Please list your team at http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Language_Teams .

For the sake of transparency, I want to inform that I've removed kosmous's admin rights and granted them to Kostas Papadimas (pkst) instead. pkst told me that has been the maintainer of Greek localization of OpenOffice.org since 2003, and wants to head the effort of Greek localization of LibreOffice too.

kosmous and simosx, I hope you can coordinate your work and permissions necessary for that with pkst. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


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