Hi everyone,
please avoid messing up threads in the future. Can't say about others,
but at least for me, it's already difficult to manage the amount of
emails I get every day, and mixing different topics in the same thread,
like quoted below, only makes stuff more difficult.
2011.01.25 16:35, Sergios T.S.(aka linuxman) rašė:
Στις 25/01/2011 04:17 μμ, ο/η Michał έγραψε:
I would like to participate in translation of LibreOffice for Polish.
What should I do?
I have created acoount on pootle.
I would like to participate in translation of LibreOffice for Greek ,
some member kosmous is start the translating the .po file .
I would like to request the creation and translation to Greek the
portal http://www.libreoffice.org/ please.
I would like it to be named "Hellenic section" and request to make the
http://el.libreoffice.org (http://XX.libreoffice.org) and the
language-code for it should be
"el" (el= Greek language) like all this
Your instructions for the next steps to be followed, will be highly
Thank you
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