Hi Nino, *;

On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Nino Novak <nn...@openoffice.org> wrote:
> The problem hereby seems to be, that there is only one common draft
> space. So if you choose to browse the Draft Site, you see *all* of the
> drafted pages simultaneously. You can not preview the current live
> pages with just one additional draft page in which you are interested.

Hmm - honestly I don't get the problem here - as the effect on other
pages just is an additonal menu-item at most, so a draft page doesn't
really have an impact on other pages - you can switch back and forth
using the ?stage=Stage|Live URL-parameter.

Do you have a more concrete example of what you had in mind?

As I see it the problem now is that it is not easy to see what is in
preparation without actually having access to the specific site in the
CMS interface (there you could just filter the list to changed pages)
- you can use draft mode to preview the content on the actual site,
but for this you need to know about those new pages. Then you could
just go to 
and preview the changes on the live site, in this case having the
complete draft pages is an advantage, since you can see the other why
pages, and don't have to manually copy each URL. The drawback is that
the theme currently gives no hint that you're in draft mode (but this
can be changed)

So from my perception, a RSS feed that lists the changed pages with
the according stage/draft links would be OK/enough, wouldn't it?


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